
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

A-- they died. We haven't had any RAIN!

Hello, world.  Yes, I'm still alive.  I've been meaning to get back to this, but haven't seemed to find the motivation, discipline, et al.  March through May were pretty rough, and I had to fight the desire to curl into a ball in my bed and not get out.  Then early June I calmed down, only to have a cluster kick in the last weekend of the month.  Still dealing with fallout there.  I stopped posting for many reasons, among them time management and then......   movement becomes difficult once entropy kicks in.

So what's new?  Many things.  To start I'll tell you that the sun and summer heat have done a number on me, but I'm still going.  God bless a/c and all the people who make it possible.  

---- transition----  can't think of a good segue.  Sorry  :p

I try to come up with witty titles to my blogs, the better to get your attention, my dears.  For some reason this song title came to mind.  Quickly followed by the smart ass response.  And then, I was trying to figure out a way link the title to a blog post.  And then a lot of ways to use the metaphor kicked in. 

ACK.  gotta pick just one, or else I'll never get off the computer. 

So, let's return to the original statement.  We haven't had any RAIN!  Too much rain sometimes gets me down, but usually that's not the case.  I really love rain.  The sights, the smells, the sounds.  The sound of rain relaxes me, and I rarely sleep better than when a storm rages outside.  Feeling the power of nature around me, connecting me to the energies of the planet, all the while knowing I'm safe in my bed.

MMMMMMM  :D  Some people don't care for storms.  So long as I'm not driving in them, I'm good.  It's rare for a storm to make me nervous, at least on my own behalf.

The hot, dry summer has been rough.  On animals, on crops.  I don't anticipate it getting much better, most of the country is in a drought.  And of course, on people.

Many people with MI are particularly sensitive to sun and heat, requiring us to take extra precautions.  Many of us are overweight for one, often as a direct result of psychiatric medication.  Larger bodies tend to have more trouble with heat.  Our medications are often photosensitive, making us more sensitive to sun exposure.  And our medications also make us more susceptible to heat.  

Summer sun, heat, medicine, heat, weight gain, sun ....  a lovely set of circumstances that circle and reinforce each other.  And while we are hardly the only medical population to face these challenges, it is a reality often overlooked by the 'average' individual.  Many acquaintances treat me as though I'm paranoid, fearful, and/or a hypochondriac due to how I regard summer sun and heat.  I wear sun screen and hat.  I rarely wear shorts outside to limit exposure.  I carry a sun umbrella, and even have a sun-shawl. *  But I KNOW from experience, that if I get too hot for too long, I get hypomanic.  In a way that I can't control, for days at a time.  I can't overcome it without extra medication.

And when I get manic, I get myself into trouble.  BIG time.  I'll regale you with those stories another time.  So far now, keep cool and be safe.  And please recognize, that sometimes a person's 'heat induced' frustration may be more serious than you know.  Try to encourage them to be cool, while you hang on to yours.


*there is now sun-protective fabric available.  Some companies make clothes, with built in SPF of anywhere from 30 to 60.  You can also buy the fabric online and make your own.