
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Red Tape Rant

Today's blast from the past comes from April 2008.  I was making steady strides towards relocating (autumn 2008) and was getting my ducks in a row.  And was slapped with the realities of how modern medicine has become a business in a not so happy way.  From the standpoint of recovery, I put this before you as evidence how the 'system' makes things difficult for patients.  What if I had been unable to pay, then what?

I'm posting it today because I'm running into a similar snag, or at least a related snag.  Once I have more paperwork and information I will post what is currently going on.

I had to go into P-town the other day, so I ran quite a few errands.  Gas prices and all that.  One of my stops included a quick visit to my psychiatrist’s office to sign a medical release.  The agency [where I'm moving] that can help me obtain services (as in, EVERYTHING once I move) needs my files for evaluation/intake, etc.

Keep in mind that I have signed similar releases for my internist, and all other specialists.

As I filled out the release, I was shown a payment scale.  Evidently, the hospital utilizes a secondary company to copy and send records.  Ok- so far not a big deal.  Such a large practice probably gets quite a few requests and the staff doesn’t have a lot of extra time.  But apparently, I am going to be charged PER PAGE to have my records copied and sent.


I have never run into this before, so maybe it's common practice.  But with all the docs, meds, consults, services, et al, that I’ve had in the last ten years or so, I’ve probably signed upwards of 50 releases for transferring files.  (Not counting the standard gunk for charging insurance, etc)  Not once have I been told that there would be a charge and I would be receiving an invoice.  Apparently, even if I wanted my records from the office for my own files---something I am legally entitled to---there would be the same charge.

Is this what we’re coming too?  Isn’t the fact that I pay $100 a pop for some of these physicians (because public aid doesn’t cover everything, or some of the better docs) sufficient to cover copying 20 pages and faxing them?  I mean, stick the stupid originals in the fax machine and send them to the correct location for pete’s sake!

Just another joyous addition to the clusterfuck that is the American medical establishment.

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